As with all dog breeds, you can find diseases (more or less known)
with the Clumber Spaniel, which pose a problem and can occur more
frequently. Because we always again get requests for that reason,
we determined to make a list of possible breed specific diseases.
Some of them receding in importance more and more, because by
now there are genetic tests for that and by prudent bred selection
the appearance becomes more seldom, like for example PDP1. Others
however whose reason or succession is unexplained yet or which
were neglected in breeding, are furthermore a – often painful
– problem for the dogs of this breed.
The problem
with genetic diseases of course is that the more animals –
whatever the reason is – are taken off from breeding, the
gene pool becomes smaller and new diseases easier will become
Also for
this reason - especially with such a very “manageable”/small
gene pool like with the Clumber Spaniels -, always again new genetic
diseases appear – diseases, which not occurred in the breed
before or simple were not recognized. Very current, now a late
upcoming kind of PRA is on focus, whose carriers “across
the lines” were detected.
Beyond there
are genetic diseases, which not – or not yet –can
be recognized by genetic tests and so can’t be avoided,
like for example joint diseases, of which causes are not completely
resolved and genes as well as also food, rearing and keeping conditions
can have influences. The opinions of specialists on that are very
different too. Also controversial is the statement of some breeders,
that too much activity of puppies can cause HD. Till today this
theory could not be proved. Below you can find the link for information
of the GRSK on this subject.
A further item
are diseases that arise as a result of breeding exaggerated
traits such as eye problems due to excessive
facial skin....too heavy heads, Also
an exaggerated breeding goal - often serious, painful and sometimes
even fatal for the Clumber - is the special one long body,
which back or spine diseases such. B. Herniated
discs and spondylosis can occur more frequently in the
Clumber, additionally favored by being overweight and
not having enough muscles, by too less and/or
wrong movement. Already in puppyhood there is often overfeeding
and a lack of exercise, which prevents the development
of the healthy, strong postural muscles that are urgently needed.
The Kennel Clubs also
mention some items which are to be noted with the Clumber Spaniel.

Now to the currently
known and more common (hereditary) diseases of the Clumber.
you can find hyperlinks to information and statements:
1. Hereditary diseases with an autosomal recessive
inheritance, in which - if a genetic test is already available
- a disease can be easily excluded by selecting the right pairing.
(A special charakteristic of EIC and the PRA form detected in
the Clumber is that even in dogs whose tests were positive, the
disease doesn't break out always.)
2. Diseases whose
causes or heredity/inheritance have not been fully clarified yet
...or various factors have an influence on the outbreak of a disease.
This list doesn't
make a claim on completeness! .... and - like the links - will
be updated regularly.
Regarding to the links, we simply tried to select texts which
are suitable to get a quick overview and are also easy to understand
for "non-breeders" .... "laymen".
In breeders
- just like dog owners - there are certainly different opinions
....... and due to different breeding aims there are certainly
different priorities, but the first should be always:
"A healthy, pain-free
and long life for our beloved four-legged friends!"
..... and not any
show or working champion titles
- Stand
April 2020 -
Unfortunately, for
this late outbreaking eye disease a validated test has become
available just quite recently. It would be all the more important
that even older - over 8 years old - Clumber Spaniels get eye
tested.... and the results would be reported to the health coordinators
of the clubs too!
of the Clumber Spaniel Club on PRA (UK)
Erbgang, Diagnose usw. von PRA
to choice
und Genetik von PDP1
about inheritance of PDP1 & EIC on our website
to choice
of the Working Clumber Spaniel Society about EIC
Informationen zum Erbgang EIC & PDP1 auf unserer HP
to choice
der GRSK zu HD
(Gesellschaft für Röntgendiagnostik
genetisch beeinflusster Skeletterkrankungen bei Kleintieren)
der GRSK zu ED
(Gesellschaft für Röntgendiagnostik
genetisch beeinflusster Skeletterkrankungen bei Kleintieren)
of the Working Clumber Spaniel Society about HD/ED
to choice
Entropium & Ektropium
of the Working Clumber Spaniel Society about Entropium & Ektropium
zu Lidfehlstellungen allgemein
Entropium / Erworbenes Entropium
to choice
und Symptome des Grauen Stars
Formen des Grauen Stars
to choice